Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

USF Contribution Factor - 15.3%

Today, the FCC released its proposed Universal Service contribution factor for the second quarter of 2010. As predicted, it is 15.3% The new rate will go into effect starting April 1, 2010.

Enforcement Bureau Settles Outage Reporting Investigations

While the rest of the Enforcement Bureau has not yet fully emerged from the FCC transition, the Spectrum Enforcement Division continues to move investigations along. Last month, the division fined several wireless…

Snow Closes FCC for 4th Day

The DC area has been hit with back to back snowstorms since February 5, causing the FCC to close for four straight days. This is the first time I can remember the FCC being closed for such a long time period. We are…

FCC Seeks Comment on Two USF Appeals

Continuing its recent custom, the FCC quickly sought comment on two Universal Service Appeals. The issues involved in these appeals include classification of information services, classification of reseller revenues…

Court of Appeals Upholds FCC on ISP-Bound Calls

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has upheld the FCC's November 5, 2008 ruling continuing the rate cap on CLEC intercarrier charges for dial-up Internet calls. In Core Communications v. FCC , decided…