Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

2011 Regulatory Fee Update -- Fees Due September 14

As in years, past, we're tracking the FCC Regulatory fees for you. The Regulatory Fee is an annual assessment mandated by Congress to recover most of the FCC's cost of doing business. Regulatory fees are recovered…

'Big Three' Weigh in on Online Privacy: FTC, FCC and NTIA Testify at Privacy Hearing

On July 14, 2011, a joint House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing focused on online privacy policy and perspectives of the ‘big three’ federal agencies with potential jurisdiction over online privacy – the…

Compliance Reminders: FCC Filings Due August 2011; FCC Form 477 Compliance Webinar; FCC Annual Regulatory Fees

Form 499Q: Quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet Carriers required to contribute to federal universal service support mechanisms must report their actual and projected end user and wholesale revenues for…

FCC Reforms Lifeline Program to Prevent Duplicative Subsidies

On June 17, 2011, the FCC adopted a Report and Order seeking to prevent waste and abuse by prohibiting duplicative Lifeline program subsidies for low-income consumers already receiving support. The proceeding was…

FCC Announces June 28, 2011 Location Based Service (LBS) Forum

In a May 17, 2011 Press Release, the FCC announced plans to hold a June 28, 2011 public education forum on consumer and privacy issues implicated by mobile Location Based Services (LBS) tracking. The FCC seeks input…