Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Meet the Enforcement Bureau

Yesterday, I attended a bar association event featuring the FCC's Enforcement Bureau. There were no newsworthy revelations made during the session, but the Bureau distributed an updated organizational chart and contact…

Blast from the Past: Long Distance Carrier Faces $1.4 Million Fine for Slamming

In a story with a decidedly 1990’s feel, long distance reseller Silv Communication faces a Notice of Apparent Liability proposing a $1.48 million fine for switching customers’ long distance services without…

FCC Proposes $284,250 Fine for Failure to Pay USF

On May 6, 2010, the FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability to NTS Communications, Inc. for failure to pay universal service contributions. The NAL is the second large fine for failure to pay USF proposed in a little…

FCC's Genachowski Proclaims a "Third Way" to Apply Net Neutrality

A month after the Court of Appeals reversed the FCC's Comcast decision, FCC Chairman Genachowski announced a "third way" to regulate broadband transmission lawfully. The Chairman released a statement describing his…

Calls to Current Customers are not "Telephone Solicitations" under the TCPA, FCC Says

Even though this blog covers telecom litigation and enforcement, this is the first post about a formal complaint brought before the FCC. Among the reasons are that the FCC does not handle many formal complaints these…