Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

GAO Audit Finds USAC Audits Lacking in Controls

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a study of the FCC's e-rate program controls. The GAO study recommended that the FCC conduct a "robust risk assessment" of its e-rate program and revise the…

FCC Completes "Mystery Fees" Investigation of Verizon Wireless Data Charges

This order stands in stark contrast to the nominal CPNI settlements, odd refund provisions and low-ball forfeiture penalties we've discussed in this blog. Today, the FCC announced an eye-popping $25 million settlement…

Interconnected VoIP Providers Getting One Free Bite

What are the ramifications of the FCC's refusal to classify interconnected VoIP? For one, it complicates the job of the FCC's Enforcement Bureau. As a recent Citation to Vantage Communications shows, the failure to…

FCC Clarifies "Carrier" Definition In Prepaid Context

In a recent USF appeal, the FCC agreed with a prepaid card "platform provider" that each of its customers, not the platform provider, is the "carrier" for Universal Service purposes. The FCC ruled, however, that the…

CPNI Settlement of the Day

As we noted, the FCC is working its way through the 600+ proposed fines included in the Omnibus CPNI NAL . Virtually every day, the Enforcement Bureau releases a handful of consent decrees resolving several proposed…