Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

US Department of Justice Recommends Anti-Spoofing Rules to FCC

In late December, Congress passed new Anti-Spoofing legislation . As we told you at the time, the Act requires the FCC to enact implementing regulations within 6 months. In anticipation of that rulemaking, the U.S.…

FCC Makes New App Available for CPNI Certification Filings

For the past few years, telecommunications carriers and interconnected VoIP providers have been required to file annual certifications of CPNI compliance in WCB docket 06-36. These certifications are due by March 1…

Rules Against Caller ID Spoofing to Tighten

Two developments last month portend a more difficult time for entities "spoofing" caller ID information. On December 22, President Obama signed into law the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 [sic], which makes it unlawful…

FCC Releases Text of Net Neutrality Order

Late yesterday, the FCC released the text of its Open Internet Report and Order (aka the Net Neutrality decision). We're on vacation already, so we don't have time for any analysis right now. Nevertheless, for those…

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Endorses Accelerated Docket Complaints for Violations

Today, a divided FCC adopted enforceable "net neutrality" rules for the first time. By a 3-2 vote, with all three Democrats voting in favor and both Republicans voting against, the Commission adopted a Report and Order…