Ad Law Access

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After Remington Settlement, Attorneys General Aim To Press Forward With Consumer Protection Investigations of Firearms Manufacturers

Remington recently agreed to a groundbreaking $73 million settlement of claims brought by families of Sandy Hook school shooting victims. Notably, the plaintiffs secured this settlement by deploying consumer protection…

Georgia AG’s AVC with Rent-A-Center is a Lesson in State Authority

In late January, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr reached a settlement with Rent-A-Center regarding a variety of alleged deceptive practices in its rent-to-own business, including in its debt collection and general…

State Attorneys General Fight Imposters Among Us

Last week, 49 State Attorneys General joined in a National Association of Attorneys General letter authored by Florida, Iowa, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee responding to the FTC’s Request for Public Comment…

Food + Personal Care Litigation and Regulatory Highlights – January 2022

Welcome to our 2022 inaugural issue of Food and Personal Care Litigation and Regulatory Highlights, where we explore trends and developments from around these industries. It’s fair to say that the year has started off…

Dark Patterns: A New Legal Standard or Just a Catchy Name? (Part Two)

In Part One of this discussion, we provided background on the concept of dark patterns and analyzed some recent examples from State AG enforcement. We concluded that, in alleging dark patterns, State AGs are…