Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Budding Enforcement on Synthetic Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids have been a popular topic of conversation for regulators as the cannabis landscape continues to evolve. Since the days of the tobacco Master Settlement Agreement and related investigations, Attorneys…

California AG Says Funeral Service Provider Made a Killing – At Consumers’ Expense

“Everyone dies.” This was the first line in the California Attorney General’s 2021 complaint against the nation’s largest funeral service provider, Service Corporation International (“SCI”). Earlier this month,…

Consumer Enforcement Overview: 2024 NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference

Last week, State Attorneys General (AGs) and staff convened to discuss the hot topics in consumer protection in private and public sessions during the NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference. The Executive Director…

Join Kelley Drye for an Upcoming Webinar: A Conversation with First Assistant Attorney General Brent Webster

Join Kelley Drye’s State Attorneys General team in our upcoming webinar led by Co-Chair, Paul Singer, Special Counsel Abby Stempson, and Senior Associate Beth Chun on Thursday, May 23, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm…

Arizona Turns Up the Heat in Amazon’s Legal Battles

General Kris Mayes recently filed two new lawsuits against Amazon. The first accuses Amazon of using “dark patterns,” or digital design tricks, that make it difficult for consumers to cancel their Prime subscriptions.…