Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Pinterest Adds Promotions Guidelines to Acceptable Use Policy

Last week, Pinterest added promotions guidelines to their Acceptable Use Policy. According to a post announcing the change, Pinterest will no longer allow promotions that: Suggest that Pinterest sponsors or endorses…

NAD Decision Holds Important Lessons for Advertising in Social Media

This week, the NAD issued an important decision involving advertising practices in social media. Here are the highlights. eSalon operates a hair-styling blog, and many posts promote the company’s products. Because…

NY Attorney General Takes Action Against Fake Online Reviews

This morning, New York Attorney General Schneiderman announced that his office had concluded a year-long undercover investigation into the reputation management industry and the practice of posting fake reviews online.…

Facebook Eases its Guidelines for Promotions

Yesterday, Facebook made it easier for companies to administer sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions on its platform. Previously, Facebook required that all promotions on the platform be administered through…

Florida AG Announces Settlement Involving Consumer Endorsements

Yesterday, the Florida Attorney General announced that her office had reached a settlement with Lifestyle Lift over the company’s advertising practices. Among other things, the AG alleged that the company used…