Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Privacy Groups Ask FTC to Investigate Contest Sponsor for Alleged COPPA Violations

Last week, ten privacy groups requested that the FTC open an investigation into a Topps Co. online contest, which they allege violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Specifically, the groups…

FTC Closes an Investigation Involving Reviews by Employees

In previous posts, we’ve noted that if a person who writes a review about a product has a connection to the company that makes the product, that connection should be clearly disclosed. The types of connections that…

Kelley Drye Offers Webinar on "Hot Topics in Social Media" July 9 at 2 PM

Social media is a powerful marketing tool. It’s personal, dynamic, and reaches an unlimited number of consumers. But, the value of social media can be tempered by the legal risks. Both the Federal Trade Commission and…

Native Advertising Blunder Gets Media Attention

Readers of our blog know that if a company provides people incentives to promote its products, the company needs to ensure those people clearly disclose their relationship to the company. But (for reasons we're still…

FTC Attempts to Sharpen the Blurred Lines of Native Ads at Workshop

Yesterday, the FTC held a workshop to discuss legal issues surrounding the blending of ads with other content in digital media — sometimes called “native advertising” or “sponsored content.” From a marketing…