Ad Law Access Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments Sat, 29 Jun 2024 12:06:13 -0400 60 hourly 1 Upcoming Webinars Tue, 25 Jan 2022 08:26:08 -0500 Join Kelley Drye this week for:

Privacy Priorities for 2022: Legal and Tech Developments to Track and Tackle Wednesday, January 26 at 4:00pm ET/ 1:00pm PT

Privacy compliance is a daunting task, particularly when the legal and tech landscape keeps shifting. Many companies are still updating their privacy compliance programs to address CCPA requirements, FTC warnings on avoiding dark patterns and unauthorized data sharing, and tech platform disclosure, consent, and data sharing changes. But in the not too distant future, new privacy laws in California, Colorado, and Virginia also will go into effect. Addressing these expanded obligations requires budget, prioritizing action items, and keeping up to date on privacy technology innovations that can help make some tasks more scalable.

This joint webinar with Kelley Drye’s Privacy Team and Ketch, a data control and programmatic privacy platform, will highlight key legal and self-regulatory developments to monitor, along with practical considerations for how to tackle these changes over the course of the year. This will be the first in a series of practical privacy webinars by Kelley Drye to help you keep up with key developments, ask questions, and suggest topics that you would like to see covered in greater depth.

Register Here

State Attorney General Consumer Protection Priorities for 2022 Thursday, January 27 at 1:00pm ET

Consumer protection enforcement efforts are expected to increase dramatically this year. Recent pronouncements from State Attorneys General around the country bring privacy, big tech and the misuse of algorithms, and basic advertising related frauds into particular scrutiny.

Please join Kelley Drye State Attorneys General practice Co-Chair Paul Singer, Advertising and Marketing Partner Gonzalo Mon, Privacy Partner Laura VanDruff, and Senior Associate Beth Chun for discussion and practical information on these and other state consumer protection, advertising, and privacy enforcement trends.

Register Here
Ad Law Access Podcast and Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center On Demand
The award-winning Ad Law Access blog and podcast will have Data Privacy Week content you can use all week long. Find the blog here and the podcast wherever you get your audio.

Subscribe to the Ad Law News and Views newsletter here and our Ad Law Access blog here.

Off Giving Thanks Tue, 24 Nov 2020 16:02:24 -0500 Kelley Drye ThanksgivingBarring an advertising or privacy law emergency, like you, we’ll be taking the next few days off to give thanks and spend time with family. Next week, please join us for:
  • Made in USA claims – navigating FTC’s ‘all or virtually all’ standard WebinarConsumers continue to demand goods manufactured in the United States and will pay a premium for such products. At the same time, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) continues its high-profile focus on US origin claims, launching dozens of investigations, announcing various noteworthy settlements and advocating for a proposed rule that would include the possibility of civil penalties over $43,000 per violation. This webinar will explore Made in USA claims and discuss:
    • What types of claim have attracted regulatory attention;
    • How to comply with the FTC’s requirements; and
    • What to do if the FTC contacts you.

Register here to Join Christie Grymes Thompson on 3 December 2020 at 1:00pm EST (6:00pm GMT).

While we’re away:

Some of our post popular episodes include:

In this time of Thanksgiving, we express sincere appreciation for our clients and all friends of the firm. While holiday celebrations this year will be very different, without the usual gatherings and traditions, we are focused on the underlying spirit of giving thanks. Wishing you good health, time with family and friends (even if that’s FaceTime), and optimism for the future.

Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center

Kelley Drye at the ABA Virtual Antitrust Spring Meeting Thu, 16 Apr 2020 12:12:02 -0400 Kelley Drye lawyers are taking part in the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Section Spring Meeting, this time virtually. This year, there is no charge!

The Antitrust Section’s first ever Virtual Spring Meeting officially kicks off on April 17th with a welcome session at noon Eastern. For the next two weeks, there will be a wide range of new content, live streamed programs, and networking events available via

You can find Kelley Drye attorneys at the following sessions:

Briefing with the State Enforcers April 21, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

State Attorneys General play a crucial role in enforcing state and federal antitrust and consumer protection laws. Join partner Bill MacLeod, and other panelists who represent antitrust and consumer protection bureaus from across the country as they discuss recent enforcement activities and the ongoing missions of state enforcement agencies. Event Website

Cocktails for Consumer Protection Virtual Reception April 21, 2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Does your area of concentration include privacy law and/or consumer protection? Are you interested in learning more about this rising practice area? Join host and Antitrust Section Consumer Protection Officer Alysa Hutnik, and other Virtual Spring Meeting attendees at this reception and learn more. Event Website

What to Expect in FTC CP Enforcement April 30, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

From record fines to novel theories of harm, the FTC has pursued vigorous consumer protection enforcement under Chairman Simons. Join partner Christie Thompson and other panelists for a discussion on recent FTC enforcement and priorities, including impacts, if any, of COVID-19 on enforcement priorities, as well as in the areas of privacy, data security, marketing, advertising, and fintech, consider whether FTC enforcement has expanded in reach, and implications for future CP enforcement. Event Website

For the full lineup, please visit

Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center

KDW COVID-19 Resource Center Provides Critical Business Guidance Wed, 18 Mar 2020 18:03:42 -0400 As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has reached pandemic levels, companies of all sizes and in all industries face myriad impacts to business operations and the health and well-being of employees.

To help clients navigate these new challenges, including the unpredictability of any outbreak-related business disruption, Kelley Drye has compiled a free resource center to help businesses navigate this uncertain environment.

Check it out for articles, webinars, and blog posts that cover a range of topics, including the following:

  • Legal exposure due to business interruptions and unsatisfied contracts, including counsel on contractual obligations, especially for significant business concerns.
  • Supply chain disruptions that are impacting the manufacture of consumer goods forcing manufacturers to seek alternative product sources that meet U.S. consumer regulations.
  • All types of employment issues, including how to communicate to your employees, managing affected employees, remote work policies, privacy of record and employee travel, among other pressing issues.
  • Evaluating disruptions to trading and markets, M&A/corporate transactions, commercial contracts, corporate governance (contingency planning for annual meetings) and disclosures for publicly traded companies.
  • Monitoring the federal government’s efforts to address these issues, as well as emerging issues that businesses may face.

We are updating the COVID-19 Resource Center as events unfold, so check back regularly.

The Last Decade’s Top Ad Law Access Reads Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:05:25 -0500 In the 2010s, Kelley Drye’s Ad Law Access blog posted approximately 1500 entries. Below are the most popular by year. To give you a sense of beginning to end, the first post came one month after Apple announced the iPad and the last just days before the first all-female spacewalk by astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir: Wishing you a happy new year and decade. We hope you will continue following the Ad Law Access blog and podcast in 2020 and into the next decade.

2019 Selected Top Ad Law Access Reads and Listens Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:00:57 -0500 In 2019, Ad Law Access published 124 stories on a wide range of topics. However, two topics stood out above the others:
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) CCPA was far and away the most popular topic of 2019 and, as mentioned in one of our last posts of the year, “businesses and privacy professionals would do well to catch their breath over the holiday season. Next year is going to need focus and investment to reach the [CCPA] finish line (which, yes, will continue to move because this is privacy law, after all).​” Here are a few CCPA related posts you may want to read if you haven’t already:
Stay tuned for more installments of the “Section 13 (b)log.”

Other posts that resonated with readers:

Stay tuned to Ad Law Access in 2020 for more updates on these issues and other advertising and privacy law issues. Subscribe to our Ad Law News and Views newsletter and other Kelley Drye publications here to receive email communications tailored to your interests.


2019 also saw the launch of the Ad Law Access podcast. Top episodes included:

You can find the Ad Law Access podcast and other Kelley Drye podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.

This Week at Kelley Drye – Politics in the Workplace and Los Angeles CCPA Workshop Sun, 01 Dec 2019 19:54:06 -0500 The week after Thanksgiving is always a busy one and this year does not disappoint. We are pleased to be holding the following educational opportunities this week:

California Consumer Privacy Act Workshop Los Angeles Edition In Los Angeles, on Wednesday, December 4, we will be holding the latest in our series of California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Workshops. This edition will come a day after the California Attorney General's public hearing on the draft regulations, which we will recap. Like the others, this will be an interactive discussion on CCPA interpretation questions and compliance strategies, will include a deep dive into understanding and applying core CCPA provisions; industry benchmarking; preventing unintended “sales” of data; updating applicable privacy policy provisions and other disclosures; and considerations for business partner and vendor management. A reception to support networking with your privacy peers will follow the program. To find out more about this this invitation only in-person workshop, please contact [email protected].

Politics in the Workplace Also on December 4, at 12 Eastern, Barbara Hoey, Chair of Kelley Drye’s Labor and Employment Practice; Christie Grymes Thompson, Chair of the firm’s Advertising Law Practice, and David Frulla, Chair of the firm’s Campaign Finance and Political Law for a discussion on best practices for handling all aspects of politics in the workplace. This one-hour webinar will review federal and state rules regarding employees' political activity and speech in the workplace; how to protect your company’s brand and reputation in the context of political fundraising and advocacy; and how to comply with federal campaign finance laws when your company or its executives engage in political activity. To register for this webinar, please contact [email protected].

If you cannot attend any of these events, stay up to date with our Ad Law Access blog and podcast, and get a preview of the new Advertising and Privacy Law Resource Center.

2017 Recap Fri, 05 Jan 2018 16:27:12 -0500 Most Popular Ad Law Access Posts of 2017

As reported in our Ad Law News and Views newsletter, Kelley Drye’s Advertising Law practice posted 106 updates on consumer protection trends, issues, and developments to this blog in 2017. Here are some of the most popular:

Ad Law News and Views is produced every two weeks to help you stay current on advertising law and privacy matters. You can subscribe to it and other Kelley Drye Publications here and the Ad Law Access blog by email or RSS feed.

2018 Advertising and Privacy Law Webinar Series

Please join Kelley Drye in 2018 as we continue our well attended Advertising and Privacy Law Webinar Series. Like our in-person events, this series gives key updates and provides practical tips to address issues faced by counsel as well as CLE credit. This webinar series will start again in February 2018. Please revisit the 2017 webinars here.

Keeping Up with the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Update on Recent CPSC Developments - 3/29/2017 Fri, 10 Mar 2017 21:33:13 -0500 Register Now for Keeping Up with the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Update on Recent CPSC Developments, the latest in our 2017 Advertising and Privacy Law Webinar Series

Keeping Up with the CPSCWith the complexity of today’s product safety regulatory environment and the civil penalty amounts for failure to report safety hazards, it is more important than ever for manufacturers and retailers to identify and resolve potential liability issues confidentially before they draw scrutiny from regulators and negative publicity.

Please join chair of Kelley Drye’s Advertising and Marketing and Consumer Product Safety practice Christie Grymes Thompson for an update on consumer product safety. The webinar will cover hot button legal issues and summarize significant developments in consumer product safety and at the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Kelley Drye Speakers:

Christie Grymes Thompson, Partner

To register, please click here.

CLE Information:

Kelley Drye is an accredited provider of NY, IL & CA CLE. This non-transitional continuing legal education program has been approved for 1.0 NY Professional Practice credit, 1.0 Illinois credit, and 1.0 CA General credit. We will apply for CLE credit in other jurisdictions, upon request, but cannot guarantee approval. If you are interested in applying to receive CLE credit, please include your desired jurisdiction and your bar registration number when you register.

Follow the Practice

Ad Law News and Views Newsletter Fri, 17 Feb 2017 05:30:17 -0500 Ad Law News and Views Newsletter 128 128 ["Did you know Kelley Drye’s Advertising Law<\/a> practice produces a newsletter, Ad Law News and Views,<\/em> every two weeks to help you stay current on ad law and privacy matters? Click here to access our

2016 Advertising and Privacy Law Summit Attendee Follow up Mon, 03 Oct 2016 16:11:29 -0400 As a follow up to Kelley Drye’s 4th Annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit, we are providing attendees with a copy of our desktop reference guide. The guide covers many of the topics discussed at the Summit, with sections on advertising and marketing standards, privacy and data security, and consumer product safety, and provides practical pointers for each.

Thank you again for attending the Summit. We hope you enjoyed the content and opportunity to connect with others who regularly handle advertising and privacy issues. The presentations and supporting materials from the Summit and Boot Camp are also available on our blog using the same KelleyDryeAdLaw password. We welcome your feedback, so please send it to [email protected].

To stay up to date throughout the year and learn the latest developments on consumer protection issues, please subscribe to our blog, Ad Law Access, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.

See you in 2017!

Annual Advertising & Privacy Law Summit Attracts Industry Leaders to the Reopened Watergate Hotel Thu, 09 Jun 2016 09:22:45 -0400 On June 8th attorneys from Kelley Drye’s advertising law practice hosted government officials and industry leaders at an advanced seminar on key issues in advertising, privacy, and consumer protection law. This year marked the fourth annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit and included an inaugural pre-Summit boot camp for professionals new to the field.

More than 110 attendees from a broad range of industries across the U.S. gathered at the newly-reopened Watergate Hotel and heard from experts in various areas of the law. Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, and Jessica Rich, Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, were the Summit’s keynote speakers.

The Washington Post took notice of the Summit’s timely topics and bold venue choice. Kelley Drye’s Advertising and Marketing Practice Group Chair Christie Grymes Thompson was quoted in the article: “Given the historical significance of the complex, we figured it was a terrific place to discuss deception, public policy and invasion of privacy.” Christie also commented that “We are thrilled to have had such great engagement at this year’s Summit. The guests appreciated the deep dive into topics that are relevant to the broad array of companies marketing to consumers in the U.S.”

At the Summit, speakers discussed the current regulatory and litigation climate and developing marketing trends, including investigative and enforcement priorities at the FTC, CFPB, FDA, FCC, DOJ, and NAD; real-time marketing; consumer-friendly disclosures; consumer and privacy class actions; cyber scandals and the EU-US Privacy Shield; cross device tracking; corporate social responsibility initiatives; and dealing with whistleblowers and internal complaints.

Details regarding the agendas and speaker line-ups are available here and here.

Kelley Drye’s Advertising and Marketing practice has a national reputation for excellence. No other firm can match our record in advertising litigation and National Advertising Division (NAD) proceedings, our substantive strength in the areas of advertising, promotions, privacy, and consumer protection law, and our experience at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the offices of state Attorneys General, and the broadcast networks. Follow the practice via our blog, Ad Law Access, and find pictures from the event on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

From Big Data to Bacon to Bots: Who will be Under FTC’s Watchful Eye Next? Tue, 05 Apr 2016 15:04:50 -0400 Bacon

At last week’s Strata + Hadoop Worldwide Big Data Conference those “in the know” about all things Silicon Valley prophesized that “data is the new bacon.” Witty comparisons aside, there is no question that big data has matured. Companies across all industry types are clamoring to leverage every possible gigabyte of available consumer data. As the industry has grown up, the list of FTC settlements involving privacy and data security has grown along with it – totaling more than 100 cases presently.

As Kelley Drye Partner, Alysa Hutnik explained in her conference panel (It’s a brave new world: Avoiding legal privacy and security snafus with big data and the IoT), the FTC has made it clear that it is not just interested in mature companies when it comes to privacy and data security issues. The agency is closely monitoring practices by both startups and “grown up” companies.

So what is the FTC interested in presently? Last week, the FTC announced that it will host a fall seminar series to examine three emerging consumer technology issues that, according to the FTC, are raising critical consumer protection issues. These workshops will address ransomware and related data security issues, privacy and other considerations associated with the use of drones, and tracking consumer habits through their Smart TVs. This week, the FTC also announced that it will hold its second PrivacyCon event, seeking to explore new and evolving technologies, such as targeted advertising, cross-device tracking, smart homes, health and fitness wearables, voice-controlled technologies, connected cars, and commercial drones. And, as those of you who follow this area know, the most common pattern is workshops, followed by guidance, followed by enforcement. Smart companies of all ages should pay close attention.

Kelley Drye Webinar: Examining the FTC’s Report on the Internet of Things—February 23, 2015 at 1 PM Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:51:36 -0500 As discussed in this blog post, the FTC has issued its long-awaited report entitled The Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. The report includes recommended privacy and security best practices for companies that create and sell connected devices. But the line between best practices and alleged violations can quickly blur. Please join us on February 23, 2015 from 1 – 2 PM for a webinar that will examine the FTC report and discuss compliance considerations for the design and marketing of such connected products and services. To RSVP, please click here.

Kelley Drye Speakers include Alysa Zeltzer Hutnik, Partner and Dana B. Rosenfeld, Partner.

Lew Rose Named Kelley Drye Firm Managing Partner Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:30:31 -0500 Rose_LewisOn January 6, 2015, Kelley Drye announced that former chair of the Advertising and Marketing Practice Group Lew Rose has been named the firm's managing partner. The first firm managing partner from outside of the New York office, Lew chaired the advertising and marketing practice at Kelley Drye for 12 years before assuming the role of DC office managing partner in 2013.

Under Lew's leadership, the advertising and marketing practice group received a Tier 1 ranking in the “Advertising Law – National” and “Advertising Law – DC” categories in the “Best Law Firms” studies published by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers. In 2014, Lew was named Best Lawyers' Washington, D.C. "Lawyer of the Year" for Advertising and Marketing Law and Kelley Drye's DC office was named a 2014 Top Place to Work by The Washington Post and one of the Best Places to Work by the Washington Business Journal.

Additionally, Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practice Group Chair Jim Carr has been elected chair of the firm. Jim and Lew will lead a cross-office management team that reflects Kelley Drye’s presence in six cities nationwide.

To read the full announcement, please click here.

Kelley Drye to Host Discussion With Key Leaders on Advertising and Marketing Products for Children Wed, 05 Mar 2014 16:07:54 -0500 On March 13, 2014, the DC office of Kelley Drye will host a policy discussion on the special considerations in legislative, regulatory, and enforcement initiatives designed to protect children. The discussion will focus on the established and emerging issues in product safety and advertising and marketing products for children.

Kelley Drye is delighted to have U.S. Representative Jackie Speier of California’s 14th Congressional District and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform as our keynote speaker. Other featured speakers from government, industry, and the advocacy community include:

  • Mary Engle, Associate Director, Division of Advertising Practices, FTC
  • Malini Mithal, Assistant Director, Division of Financial Practices, FTC
  • Ellen Doneski, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
  • Alan Korn, Executive Director, Abbey’s Hope Charitable Foundation
  • Debbie Matties, Vice President of Privacy, CTIA – The Wireless Association®
  • Lee Peeler, President and CEO of the Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC)
Click here for more information. Click here to register for the event.

Kelley Drye's Advertising and Marketing Group Named A Law360 Practice of the Year Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:00:51 -0500 Kelley Drye's Advertising and Marketing Law practice group has been named a "Practice Group of the Year" by the legal publication Law360. The award, now in its fourth year, recognizes firms that have "excelled at the getting the job done." Law360 noted that in 2013 Kelley Drye notched wins for clients in court, at the National Advertising Division (NAD), and at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They highlighted Kelley Drye's work for several major companies in a variety of industries each facing its own legal challenges.

Please click here to read the complete announcement.

FTC Updates .com Disclosures Guide to Address Mobile Viewing and Space-Constrained Ads Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:51:07 -0400 On Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission announced final revisions to the guidance it gives to advertisers on how to keep endorsement, testimonial, and other digital ads in compliance with the FTC Act, ".com Disclosures, How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising." The Revised Guide expands on the initial version released in 2000 by providing important insight into how advertisers should address the likelihood that different mediums may be used to view the same ad, and the increasing prevalence of space-constrained ads such as banner ads and tweets.

For instance, the Revised Guide explains that advertisers must account for the anticipated use of smartphones and tablets by either creating a mobile-optimized version that the ad will default to or designing the ad such that disclosures are clear and conspicuous regardless of how they are viewed. Additionally, the Revised Guide sets forth new considerations for advertisers using space-constrained ads, including the capacity to use short form disclosures such as “Ad:” and the possibility of republication by consumers.

For more information, see the Kelley Drye client advisory.

Watch Kelley Drye's "Smartphone Revolution" Webinar On Demand Tue, 20 Nov 2012 17:34:40 -0500 Mobile marketing, sweepstakes and services, including location-based services, are governed by an alphabet soup of statutes and regulations: TCPA, COPPA, CAN-SPAM, CPNI, etc. To complicate compliance even further, numerous class action lawsuits in state and federal courts have addressed issues and nuances that the Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and state regulatory agencies or legislatures have not.

On November 16th, Kelley Drye held a webinar which discussed the new rules of the road for mobile communications, marketing, and sweepstakes, and offered suggestions for reaching consumers while mitigating the legal risks.

Click here to download the slides from the webinar and click here to watch the recording.

Register Today for the Kelley Drye Webinar "The Smartphone Revolution" Wed, 24 Oct 2012 13:24:20 -0400 Mobile marketing, sweepstakes and services, including location-based services, are governed by an alphabet soup of statutes and regulations: TCPA, COPPA, CAN-SPAM, CPNI, etc. To complicate compliance even further, numerous class action lawsuits in state and federal courts have addressed issues and nuances that the Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and state regulatory agencies or legislatures have not. This Kelley Drye webinar will discuss the new rules of the road for mobile communications, marketing, and sweepstakes, and offer suggestions for reaching consumers while mitigating the legal risks.

Topics Include:

  • An overview of the legal landscape, including the key regulators and their jurisdiction.
  • Guidelines for text message campaigns.
  • Recent developments on “robocalls.”
  • Marketing to children.
  • Location-based services and the use of location information.
  • Mobile sweepstakes and contests.

Kelley Drye Speakers:

Steven A. Augustino, Partner

John J. Heitmann, Partner

Gonzalo E. Mon, Partner


October 30, 2012
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT


Additional Information:

Registration is free of charge. Please click here to register.
