Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Asks (Too?) Much of Retailers

The FTC recently announced that it sent warning letters to five “major retailers” selling athletic mouth guards on their websites. According to the FTC, the retailers’ websites included concussion claims that may be…

Suit Alleges Neiman Marcus Outlet Prices are Deceptive

In February, we posted that four members of Congress sent a letter to the FTC expressing concerns that consumers are being deceived by pricing at outlet stores and asking the FTC to investigate. Although the FTC has…

Smooth Sale-ing: Jos. A. Bank Wins Before Seventh Circuit

Late last week, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the dismissal of a putative class action alleging that Jos. A. Bank advertises its normal retail prices as temporary price reductions, in violation the Illinois Consumer…

NY Attorney General Secures Settlement Over Misleading Sales

Over the past year, there has been a​n​ increase in the number of lawsuits and regulatory investigations ​involving how retailers advertise discounts and sales. In these cases, challengers have generally alleged that…

Members of Congress Target Outlet Mall Pricing

Last Thursday, four members of Congress sent a letter to the FTC Chairwoman expressing concerns that consumers are being deceived by pricing at outlet stores and asking the FTC to investigate potential violations of…