Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FCC Proposes Sweeping Broadband Privacy and Data Security Rules

On March 31, 2016, the FCC voted along party lines (3-2) to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to establish privacy rules for Broadband Internet Access Service (BIAS) providers. These proposals, if adopted,…

FCC and FTC Announce Consumer Protection Memorandum of Understanding

On Monday, the FCC and FTC published a Memorandum of Understanding in which the two agencies agreed to engage in greater coordination and collaboration on consumer protection issues, with greater respect for each…

Webinar: Preparing for the Worst: A Step by Step Guide to Understanding how the FTC Advertising Claims Enforcement Process Works

Kelley Drye

Industry scored an important victory in the recent DOJ vs. Bayer case. But, despite that outcome, health claim enforcement will remain a key priority for the FTC going forward. This presentation is a practical…

Q: What’s Different About the FTC’s New Endorsement Q&As? A: Lots.

The FTC recently released a new version of its Q&As on the Endorsement Guides . The old Q&As, released in 2010, were about seven pages long. The new ones just about double that. The revisions and additions reflect many…

CFPB Proposes Rule on Prepaid Products to Extend Certain Credit Requirements and Mandate Disclosures

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released last week a proposed rule that would impose an array of new requirements on prepaid accounts. The proposed new definition of “prepaid account” would include general…