Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Massachusetts Imposes Additional Data Breach Notification Requirements

On January 10, 2019, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed into law the Massachusetts’s Data Breach Notification Act, which amends Massachusetts data breach reporting laws. The new law, available here, amends…

DC Enacts Law Governing Automatic Renewals

Subscription plans that automatically renew at the end of a term are becoming more popular with companies. They’re also getting more scrutiny from regulators. As we’ve posted before, some states regulate how these…

Five Cannabidiol (CBD) Regulatory Myths

Kelley Drye

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized cultivation and processing of industrial hemp and various by-products. One hemp-based derivative of considerable interest to manufacturers of personal care products, dietary supplements,…

Christine Wilson Sworn In as FTC Commissioner Following Maureen Ohlhausen’s Departure

Yesterday, Christine Wilson was sworn in as FTC Commissioner. Commissioner Wilson – the fifth and final Trump appointee – joins the FTC from Delta Airlines and assumes former Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen’s seat.…

Selling Products Online? U.S. Supreme Court Ruling May Affect Whether or Not You Must Pay State Sales or Use Taxes

On Thursday, June 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court paved the way for states to collect sales or use taxes from sellers with no physical presence in the taxing state by declaring constitutional a South Dakota law…