Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

MMA Releases Final Privacy Policy Guidelines for Mobile Apps

The way companies collect information through mobile apps has been the focus of several FTC actions, Congressional hearings, proposed legislation, and at least a dozen class action lawsuits. In response to the…

5 Privacy Tips for Location-Based Services

The year 2012 is certain to reflect U.S. consumers’ continued love affair with sophisticated smartphones and tablets. One of the driving forces in the popularity of these devices is their ability to run mobile apps…

Join us Feb. 16 for "Privacy in 2012" Seminar and Teleconference

Changes to privacy regulations, such as proposed revisions to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and continuously evolving technologies, including mobile apps with location-based services, can make…

Privacy Point of Sale Alert: Massachusetts District Court Finds that Zip Codes Are PII

In June 2011, we wrote about a class action lawsuit filed against Michael Stores, Inc. (“Michaels”), accusing the arts and crafts retailer of violating a Massachusetts consumer protection statute when it collects and…

2012 Signals Continued FTC Privacy Scrutiny: Web Browser Toolbar Triggers Enforcement Action

On January 5, 2012, the FTC announced a settlement with Upromise, Inc., a membership service intended to help consumers save money for college, over charges that the company misled users about the extent to which it…