Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Colorado’s AG Office Kicks Off CPA Rulemaking Meetings

On Thursday, November 10 th, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office held the first of three stakeholder meetings on its Colorado Privacy Act draft rules. The initial meeting covered Universal Opt Out Mechanisms…

AG Settlements Call for Stronger Data Security

Early this week, a coalition of 40 attorneys general obtained two multistate settlements with Experian concerning data breaches it experienced in 2012 and 2015 that compromised the personal information of millions of…

CPRA Rule Revisions Unlikely to be Finalized in 2022

Just two months before the effective date (January 1, 2023) of the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), the California Privacy Protection Agency (“CPPA”) Board met on October 28 and 29 to discuss revisions to the…

Blurred Lines: A Rundown on the FTC Workshop “Protecting Kids from Stealth Advertising in Digital Media”

As we recently blogged here, the FTC’s review of the COPPA rule has been pending for over three years, prompting one group of Senators, in early October, to ask the agency to “ Please Update the COPPA Rule Now .” The…

Congress to FTC: “Please Update the COPPA Rule Now”

Amidst all of the recent news and developments about the privacy of kids and teens (including multiple Congressional hearings; Frances Haugen’s testimony; enactment of the UK’s and California’s Age Appropriate Design…