Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Iowa: A Sixth State Privacy Law?

If Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signs Senate File (SF) 262, the Hawkeye State will become the sixth state to adopt a comprehensive consumer privacy law. Iowa’s House and Senate have both passed Senate File 262…

Webinar Invite: 2023 Privacy Litigation Trends

The proliferation of privacy-related law suits filed against a wide range of companies related to website tracking/analytics will continue in 2023, joining robocall and biometric privacy disputes. Join Kelley Drye…

It May Be Time for TikTok to Change its Ways if State AGs Have Any Say

While State Attorneys General have been clear that social media companies are generally on their radar for a variety of consumer protection concerns, TikTok has been the latest to make headlines in recent weeks. For…

Two Epic Cases from the FTC: Spotlight on COPPA, Unfairness, Teens, Dark Patterns, In-App Purchases, Cancellations, and More

Just in time for the holidays, the FTC has released two companion settlements resolving allegations that Epic Games (maker of the popular video game Fortnite) violated the Children’s Online Protection Act (COPPA) and…

What privacy issues are on deck for 2023? Here are some of the most interesting ones

2022 was a remarkable year for privacy. Utah and Connecticut enacted new privacy laws. California and Colorado launched detailed (and continuing) privacy rulemakings. Congress proposed a landmark bipartisan, bicameral…