Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Settles with Retail Tracking Company that Made Privacy Policy Promises It Couldn't Keep

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission announced its first settlement with a retail tracking company, resolving allegations that Nomi Technologies, Inc., a micro-location platform that provides analytics services to…

Washington State Amends Data Breach Notification Statute

Last week, the Washington Governor signed into law amendments to the state’s data breach notification statute. Importantly, the amendments, which take effect July 24, 2015, (1) expand the statute to cover breaches of…

AT&T To Pay $25 Million to Resolve FCC Data Breach Claims

On April 8, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Enforcement Bureau announced that AT&T has agreed to a $25 million consent decree to resolve an FCC investigation into alleged consumer privacy violations…

Claiming Safe Harbor on Your Website? Recent FTC Enforcements Provide Some Lessons About Certification Lapses

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on Monday two more Safe Harbor-related settlements with two companies for misrepresenting their participation in the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor framework, which is subject to the…

Senate Unanimously Approves “Internet of Things” Resolution

While the broader issues of consumer privacy and data security remain hot topics, Congress and government enforcers have focused particular zeal on emerging technologies. Just this week, the Senate unanimously passed a…