Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Vermont Settles with B2B Software Developer over Security Practices

Yesterday, the Vermont Attorney General announced a settlement with business-to-business software developer Entrinsik, Inc., resolving allegations that the company’s Informer program violated Vermont law, including the…

FCC Chairman Outlines Proposal for New Broadband Privacy Rules

On October 6, 2016, Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) Chairman Tom Wheeler published a blog entry on the Commission’s website outlining proposed privacy rules for broadband Internet Service…

2016 Advertising and Privacy Law Summit Attendee Follow up

As a follow up to Kelley Drye’s 4 th Annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit, we are providing attendees with a copy of our desktop reference guide . The guide covers many of the topics discussed at the Summit,…

Senate Commerce Committee Members Air Laundry List of Pressing Issues Including Privacy, Data Security, and FTC Enforcement

On September 27 th, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a general oversight hearing of the FTC, which covered a multitude of major policy issues and included testimony from Chairwoman…

“Follow the Lead” Recap: FTC Summarizes Takeaways from Workshop on Lead Generation

The FTC released last week a paper summarizing and reflecting on its October 30, 2015 public workshop, “Follow the Lead,” which we previously discussed here and focused on lead generation practices and related privacy…