Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

For Better or Worse: Privacy Shield Challenges and (Actions for) Annulments

Over the course of the past two months, three privacy groups in France and one in Ireland filed separate actions for annulment with the European Court of Justice seeking the invalidation of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield…

School’s in Session for the Ed Tech Industry: California AG Gives Lessons on Student Data Safeguards

On Wednesday, California’s Attorney General released a report with recommendations for the education technology (“Ed Tech”) industry, a multi-billion dollar industry that is transforming learning as we know it. The Ed…

FCC Votes to Impose Aggressive New Privacy Rules on Broadband Providers

At the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC”) Open Meeting on October 27, the Commission voted along party lines (3-2) to impose more stringent rules on broadband Internet service providers (“ISPs”). Chairman Tom…

FTC Releases New Data Response Breach Guide For Businesses

The Federal Trade Commission released a new guide for businesses on data breach response yesterday along with a three-minute video summary. The 14-page guide highlights the immediate steps a business should take when…

California Helps Consumers Crowdsource Privacy Policy Violations

California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced yesterday that her office has rolled out a new online form to help consumers report companies who violate California’s Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA). Under…