Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

SADDLE UP AMERICA: California Aims to Pass its Own GDPR Law

Just when you think you’ve tackled the Wild, Wild West of GDPR and privacy compliance, California decides to mix it all up again. This November 6th, California voters will decide on the California Consumer Privacy Act…

GDPR SIDEBAR: Should You Be Complying with the New Data Protection Law?

You've probably heard of the dreaded four-letter word – GDPR. Companies around the globe had been preparing for the May 25th implementation date for quite some time. But U.S.-based companies with no apparent EU…

Why So BLU?: FTC Settles Privacy and Data Security Claims with Mobile Company; Fencing-In Relief Requires Consumer Opt-In to Data Sharing

Earlier this week, the FTC settled its case with BLU Products, Inc., a cell phone company the FTC claimed misled consumers about its privacy and data security practices. According to the agency, the company represented…

New Article on Whether A Single FTC Commissioner Constitute A Quorum

FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny is scheduled to resign effective April 28 and may leave with acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen as the sole commissioner. Law360 published an article by partner John Villafranco and…

Data Breach Notification Law Roundup

Just when you think you have it all under control, the data breach notification law landscape changes – again. Over the past few weeks, several data breach notification statutes were updated, including an effective…