Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Taking Stock of the TCPA in 2019: What is an “Autodialer”?

The current and future definition of what qualifies as an automatic telephone dialing system (ATDS or autodialer) remains a hotly debated and evaluated issue for every company placing calls and texts, or designing…

Doing Business in India? Keep an Eye on This….

The draft National E-Commerce Policy (“ Draft Policy ”) released by the Government of India on February 23, 2019 for stakeholder comments, has left the e-commerce sector in jitters. For global market players, the…

New Bill Could Increase CCPA Headaches

Last week, the California Assembly’s Standing Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection held a hearing to discuss the California Consumer Privacy Act. While many panelists from the private sector pointed out…

What To Do Next With Biometric Information in Illinois?

With the Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision in Rosenbach v. Six Flags Entertainment Corp., the floodgates have opened for class actions in Illinois against businesses that collect biometric information from…

AdTech Groups Seek California AG Clarification on CCPA Scope

Last week, five advertising and marketing trade associations jointly filed comments with the California Attorney General seeking clarification on provisions within the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). While…