Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CPPA to Propose Changes to Privacy Policy Requirements

While the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Board’s attention during its December 8 public meeting was mainly focused on preliminary draft regulations on automated decisionmaking technology (ADMT), risk…

NAAG CP Fall 2023: Dark Practices?

On November 7, the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) 2023 Consumer Protection Fall Conference held its public day with a number of substantive and interesting discussions about the current state of…

Health Data Coding Error Costs Inmediata $1.4 Million with AGs

We posted just last week about the Blackbaud multistate settlement, and as we have discussed, health privacy remains a hot topic and is already back in the news. On October 17th, 33 AGs led by Indiana, announced a…

CFPB Previews Proposals that Could Fundamentally Shift Data Broker Business

In connection with its convening of a panel of small businesses to provide input on potential regulatory actions, the CFPB released an outline of its proposals to use its rulemaking authority under the Fair Credit…

Practical Privacy: Lessons from the Front Lines

With the continuing onslaught of state privacy laws, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the number of new legal obligations while also trying to stay focused on identifying and mitigating the most pressing legal and…