Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CPRA Update: California Privacy Protection Agency Votes to Begin Rulemaking Process

On Wednesday, June 8, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Board voted 4-0 (with one member absent) to initiate the CPRA rulemaking process based on the draft regulations released on May 27 th prior to the…

New Bipartisan Federal Privacy Bill – Breakthrough, Too Late, or Both?

On Friday June 3, a bipartisan group of leaders from key House and Senate committees released a new “discussion draft” bill to establish nationwide standards for consumer privacy. The proposal (the American Data…

Upcoming Events and Other Ways to Stay Informed

We like to occasionally use this space to let you know about upcoming events that you may not have heard about: June 8 State Attorneys General 101 Please join Kelley Drye State Attorneys General practice Co-Chair…

New California Draft Privacy Regulations: How They Would Change Business Obligations and Enforcement Risk

On Friday May 27, 2022, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Board announced its next public meeting will be on June 8, 2022. The announcement simply stated the date of the meeting, that there are “some…

FTC Announces “Crack Down” on COPPA Violations by Ed Tech Companies

Amidst the rising focus on privacy issues affecting children and teens (which we’ve highlighted here, here, here, and here ), the FTC just released a new Policy Statement on COPPA, its signature rule protecting the…