Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Kick-Off Time for FTC Rulemaking on Earnings Claims

Last Thursday (February 10), the FTC announced that it “will vote” at its February 17 open meeting to issue an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on “deceptive earnings claims for business ventures, gig or…

NAD Addresses Apples, Oranges, and Dogs

The makers of Bravecto ran a TV ad comparing Bravecto and NexGard – both flea and tick prevention products – and starring one of the actors from Best in Show . The makers of NexGard challenged the ad before the NAD…

Upcoming webinar on recent FTC privacy developments and predictions for 2022

Please join us for a webinar on February 24, 2022 at 4 p.m. on recent and upcoming FTC developments. The webinar will feature Kelley Drye’s Jessica Rich and Aaron Burstein, both former FTC officials. Here’s a taste…

A New Federal Privacy Law Could Come from an Unexpected Place

As we continue to watch the slow motion, often circular efforts in Congress to develop and enact comprehensive privacy legislation, federal action on privacy could end up coming from some surprising places. By…

UK’s ASA Roasts Oatly’s Climate-Friendly Claims

Kelley Drye

If you’re among the over 40% of U.S. consumers who vowed to change how you eat in the new year, fitting into pants that don’t have elastic waistbands may be one of numerous motivators. For many consumers, climate…