Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CARU's First Decision on “Gender-Restrictive” Ads Also Addresses Jurisdictional Issues

In a February 2021 blog post, CARU encouraged advertisers to focus on diversity and inclusion in their ads. In August 2021, they went a step further when they announced that the new version of the CARU Guidelines…

Preparing for Expanded Consumer Rights Requests Under the CPRA

With the clock now running on the comment period for the California Privacy Protection Agency’s (CPPA) Draft Regulations to implement the CPRA – comments are due on August 23 – one of the items on many businesses’ CPRA…

Mid-Year Check-in on NAD Food, Supplement and Personal Care Product Cases

Kelley Drye

The halfway point of 2022 finds NAD digging deep on supplement substantiation and looking closely at whether product names convey misleading claims. Here are highlights from the past quarter and links to our posts from…

NAD Combs Through Saturday Night Hair Claims

My law firm picture was taken on a Tuesday morning, but I’ve always lamented that the photographer wasn’t available to take it on a weekend, which would have given me a better opportunity to showcase my Saturday night…

NAD Addresses Disclosure Requirements for Paid Studies

Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico advertised that it has the “best network” and the “best coverage” in Puerto Rico and disclosed that the claims were based on an “independent study” conducted by Global Wireless Solutions (or…