Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NAD (Still) Doesn’t Trust Trustpilot Reviews

If a review site ranks your product as the top in a category, can you advertise that you’re “number 1” in that category? The answer may not be as simple as it seems, and two NAD cases – one from three years ago and one…

“Dark Patterns” Loom Large in New FTC Staff Report

No, we’re not talking about sinister sewing guides, but rather practices or formats that may manipulate or mislead consumers into taking actions they would not otherwise take. We untangled the topic of so-called “dark…

FTC Addresses Supplier Due-Diligence for Made In USA Claims

As we’ve noted in other posts, an FTC rule prohibits companies from stating or implying that a product is made in the USA unless: (1) the final assembly or processing of the product occurs in the USA; (2) all…

State Attorney General Price Gouging Claims Find New Life

Last month, we discussed the broad authority that State Attorneys General have in enforcing price gouging laws – many of which remain in effect given the number of states that are still under some state of emergency.…

When Monsters Cross a Line (Claim)

For centuries, monsters have been vilified in countless books and films. Although the bad reputation that monsters have earned is generally well-deserved – they do, after all, frequently hurt people, destroy things,…