Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

SEC is the Latest Agency to Keep Up With the Kardashians

In these difficult financial times, some of us may turn to our financial advisors for advice. Others may turn to Kim Kardashian. If you fall into the latter category, you may have seen that last year, Ms. Kardashian…

FDA Proposes New “Healthy” Definition As Part of Comprehensive Biden Administration Nutrition and Health Initiatives

Earlier this week, as part of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, President Biden announced a goal of ending hunger and increasing healthy eating and physical activity by 2030 so fewer…

Is Discrimination “Unfair” Under the UDAP Laws? New Lawsuit Challenges CFPB’s Anti-Discrimination Guidelines

Most people would generally agree that discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, or similar factors is a bad thing to do – indeed, that it’s “unfair” within the common meaning of the word. It’s…

Rep. Bilirakis Quotes Kelley Drye’s Ad Law Access at House Energy & Commerce Committee Hearing: Critique of FTC Strategy Now on the Record

On September 21, Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., cited the Kelley Drye article “ The Deletion of ‘Legitimate Business Activity’ from the FTC’s Strategic Plan ” during a House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing before…

ICYMI - Upcoming Privacy Webinar, Back to School Issue, App, and More

Join us on Thursday for a webinar discussing how to operationalize adtech privacy compliance, and learn about other ways you can stay informed. Operationalizing Adtech Privacy Compliance: Understanding the IAB…