Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New Study Identifies Over 57,000 Sites “Presumptively Contaminated” with PFAS

Joe Green and Steve Humphreys wrote on our sister blog, Kelley Green Law : A new paper from Northeastern University’s PFAS Project Lab and researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences…

NFL Hit with Automatic Renewal Lawsuit (and Hyperbole)

Last week, a plaintiff filed a proposed class action against the NFL over its automatic renewal practices. The plaintiff alleges that the company used deceptive practices to automatically subscribe its Game Pass users…

State Attorneys General: Big Tech Update

As we’ve previously reported, the fight against “big tech” remains a high priority for State Attorneys General on both sides of the aisle. A lot of activity took place over the summer that continues to reinforce the…

FDA and CDC Agree to Partner to Reduce Foodborne Illness in Retail and Foodservice Establishments

Kelley Drye

On October 4 th, the FDA and CDC announced that the agencies have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, renewing their collaboration to reduce the occurrence of foodborne illness in retail and foodservice…

Congress to FTC: “Please Update the COPPA Rule Now”

Amidst all of the recent news and developments about the privacy of kids and teens (including multiple Congressional hearings; Frances Haugen’s testimony; enactment of the UK’s and California’s Age Appropriate Design…