Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Breaking Up with Celebrities

We all know a person that can be unpredictable and erratic. It can be fun to hang out with that person occasionally, because you’ll likely have funny stories to share with your friends the next morning, but you…

Blurred Lines: A Rundown on the FTC Workshop “Protecting Kids from Stealth Advertising in Digital Media”

As we recently blogged here, the FTC’s review of the COPPA rule has been pending for over three years, prompting one group of Senators, in early October, to ask the agency to “ Please Update the COPPA Rule Now .” The…

FTC Explores New Rule to Combat Fake Reviews

The FTC has made it a priority to combat fake and misleading reviews. For example, just this year alone, the FTC announced a settlement with a retailer over its failure to post negative reviews, announced a settlement…

Update on Discrimination and Unfairness – The FTC’s Case Against Passport Automotive Group

In late September, we blogged about a lawsuit that the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups filed against the CFPB, challenging the CFPB’s update to its Supervision and Examinations Manual. As updated, the…

Beverage Makers Served A Reminder By Kombucha False Advertising Case

Anyone who has strolled the supermarket alcohol aisle in recent months may fairly stand in awe of the proliferation of boozy and not-so-boozy drinks in pretty packages, with small cans and pastel colors making it…