Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CFPB Tackles Fine Print in Consumer Financial Contracts

Downloading an app, buying a product or service, or otherwise interacting with a company frequently requires consumers to consent to multi-page contracts. In a new proposed rule, the CFPB would require nonbank…

Washington Attorney General Cracks Down on Fake Reviews

We have previously discussed the emphasis that the FTC has put on fake reviews throughout 2022, with proposed updates to the Endorsement Guides and a proposed rule to combat fake reviews in addition to enforcement…

Ana De Armas Fans Move Forward on False Advertising Suit

The 2019 movie Yesterday is about a world without the Beatles. The 2022 lawsuit over Yesterday is about a movie without Ana de Armas. Two fans who each paid $3.99 to rent the movie based on seeing the actress in the…

It May Be Time for TikTok to Change its Ways if State AGs Have Any Say

While State Attorneys General have been clear that social media companies are generally on their radar for a variety of consumer protection concerns, TikTok has been the latest to make headlines in recent weeks. For…

Two Epic Cases from the FTC: Spotlight on COPPA, Unfairness, Teens, Dark Patterns, In-App Purchases, Cancellations, and More

Just in time for the holidays, the FTC has released two companion settlements resolving allegations that Epic Games (maker of the popular video game Fortnite) violated the Children’s Online Protection Act (COPPA) and…