Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Chair Khan Faces Skeptical Appropriators - Controversial Initiatives Imperil Budget Increase

“ The FTC with a cavalier attitude is weighing in on areas that are outside its authority and deciding issues on subjective means…. I can’t support a massive increase for the Commission’s budget, especially given the…

Promotions Lessons from the My Pillow Guy

Mike Lindell – the “My Pillow Guy” – makes pillows that are soft to touch and claims that are hard to prove. In 2021, Lindell announced that he had compiled evidence demonstrating that China had interfered in the 2020…

State AGs See Eye to Eye on Recent Telehealth Settlement

Enforcement in the telehealth space continues – this time with a bipartisan settlement between 11 State AGs and Visibly (f.k.a. Opternative), a vision telehealth company. Unlike recent telehealth settlements where…

My Health My Data: Washington’s Health Data Privacy Revolution

On April 27, 2023, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the My Health My Data Act (MHMD). The law has an effective date of July 23, 2023, but the deadline to comply with most of its requirements is March 31,…

FTC, CFPB, DOJ, and EEOC Pledge Increased Focus on Discrimination in AI

Artificial intelligence and algorithmic processes continue to remain at the top of federal law enforcement agencies’ agendas. Yesterday, the FTC, CFPB, DOJ, and EEOC issued a joint statement pledging to use their…