Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion Seeks Public Comment on program titled, "Innovations for Healthy Kids Challenge"

In conjunction with the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign and related federal regulatory efforts focused on nutrition and marketing to children, the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion is instituting a new…

Senate Begins Debate on Financial Reform Bill

The Senate, after spending last week engaged in procedural battles, will enter full scale debate this week on that chamber’s version of a financial reform package . This morning Congress Daily provided a brief preview…

Another Missive from the Data Breach Front: Remote Risk of Identity Theft Does Not Confer Standing in Allison v. Aetna

Allison v. Aetna, Inc., a recent opinion out of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, adds to the burgeoning area of law that holds when a plaintiff fails to allege an actual injury resulting from a data breach, but…

FTC Plans for Internet Privacy Framework

This post was written by Alysa Z. Hutnik . On Tuesday, April 26, 2010, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it intends to develop Internet privacy guidelines. The guidelines will examine social…

FTC Initiative Promotes Advertising Literacy for Kids

The Federal Trade Commission has launched a multi-media campaign through the website to educate children and teens, ages 8 to 12, about advertising. With “tweens” becoming a larger and more important…