Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Canada Closer to Product Safety Legislation

After much anticipation, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (“CCPSA”) has finally been passed by the Canadian Parliament and could become effective within the next few months. Upon Royal Assent and Proclamation,…

Anti-Corporate Activists Target Corporate Advertising and Communications

Advertisers beware. Anti-corporate activists, no longer content to ask for petition signatures on a street corner, are using guerilla tactics to sabotage corporate communications and advertising campaigns. In recent…

FTC Commissioner Discusses CFPB at Privacy Conference

FTC Commissioner Julie Brill spoke about the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) during a keynote address she delivered at the International Association of Privacy Professionals Second Annual Conference…

FTC Commissioner Discusses CFPB at Privacy Conference

FTC Commissioner Julie Brill spoke about the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) during a keynote address she delivered at the International Association of Privacy Professionals Second Annual Conference…

CPSC Outlines Key Provisions of Consumer Product Safety Complaint Database

As discussed in the November 28, 2010 blog post, the CPSC recently approved the structure for a consumer incident database mandated by the 2008 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. The database will allow…