Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New York Court Holds Blog Not Liable for Defamation Under the CDA

This month, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that website operators were not liable for allegedly defamatory comments posted by a third party on the website’s blog, even though the operators reposted those comments.…

Sens. Hatch and Harkin Send Letter to FDA in Anticipation of NDI Guidance

Senators Hatch and Harkin, the principle architects of the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) (amending the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA)), submitted a letter yesterday to FDA Commissioner…

Flood of Geolocational Privacy Legislation Introduced in June

June has seen a flood of activity on Capitol Hill seeking to protect consumer geolocational privacy. Within a few days of one another, three bills were introduced that, if enacted, would require consumer consent before…

Senate Declines to Delay Cap on Debit Fees

On June 8, the Senate fell six votes short of the 60 votes needed to postpone for one year the implementation of a ceiling on the debit fees which banks charge to merchants. The Durbin amendment to the Dodd-Frank…

President Obama Considers Former Banker to Head Up New Consumer Bureau

In a change of course, President Obama is considering Raj Date, rather than the current chief architect Elizabeth Warren, to head the newly-formed and soon to be empowered Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).…