Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CFPB Releases "Progress Report"

The CFPB released a “progress report” on Monday tracking its achievements over the past year and goals for the immediate future, all part of the lead-up to the transfer of its authority from other agencies on July 21.…

Maureen Ohlhausen Nominated for FTC Commissioner Post

On Tuesday, July 19, 2011, President Obama announced that he will nominate Maureen Ohlhausen to serve as a Commissioner with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”). Ms. Ohlhausen has broad experience in the areas of…

'Big Three' Weigh in on Online Privacy: FTC, FCC and NTIA Testify at Privacy Hearing

On July 14, 2011, a joint House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing focused on online privacy policy and perspectives of the ‘big three’ federal agencies with potential jurisdiction over online privacy – the…

President Obama Announces Plan to Nominate Former Ohio AG to Lead Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

After much speculation concerning who would be nominated to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), President Obama announced plans to nominate former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray for the post at…

5 Legal Considerations for Your Social Media Campaign

Most companies appreciate the importance of having a presence in the social media space, but not every company also appreciates the legal risks that can lurk there. As a result, many companies have run into problems…