Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Common Legal Myths and Realities about Pinterest

Although Pinterest launched just two years ago, the site already boasts over 10 million users and a staggering number of page views every day. Both numbers are growing quickly. Companies are paying attention to this…

Introducing the Food and Drug Law Access Blog

We are proud to announce a new blog from Kelley Drye & Warren LLP: Food and Drug Law Access . This sister blog to Ad Law Access provides news and commentary concerning food and drug law and public policy developments,…

Mobile Privacy: 5 Legal Concerns for Developers

If you work with mobile apps, you may already know that privacy is a hot issue. Regulators are pushing companies to improve their privacy practices, Congress is contemplating new laws, and class action lawyers are…

CFPB Proposes New Rule on Privileged Information

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a proposed rule today, clarifying that legally privileged information will retain its privilege even if submitted to the Bureau. The rule also provides that the…

Commerce Department Kicks off Multistakeholder Process for Consumer Privacy Codes of Conduct

In the wake of the White House's February 23, 2012 release of Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World: A Framework for Protecting and Promoting Innovation in a Global Digital Economy ("Framework"), the Commerce…