Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

California AG Issues Privacy Recommendations for the Mobile App Ecosystem

Today, the California Attorney General released the report, Privacy on the Go: Recommendations for the Mobile Ecosystem, which offers a series of consumer privacy recommendations for mobile app developers, platform…

FTC Issues Final Amendments to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)

On December 19, 2012, the FTC issued its long-awaited final amendments to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”). COPPA requires commercial websites and online services that are either directed to…

No Crash Later, Unless You Mischaracterize an NAD Decision

According to the New York Times, the NAD has decided to reopen its review of Living Essentials’ claim that its 5-Hour Energy “shot” produces “no crash later.” In 2007, the NAD reviewed 5-Hour Energy’s claims, found…

Senate Confirms Obama Administration Nominee Joshua D. Wright as New Republican FTC Commissioner

Yesterday, the Senate unanimously confirmed Joshua D. Wright to replace J. Thomas Rosch as a Republican commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). According to various sources, Wright is widely regarded as…

FTC Closes an Investigation Involving a Social Media Campaign

As we've noted in previous posts, if a company provides incentives to a consumer in order to encourage the consumer to promote the company's products, the consumer is required to disclose those incentives. It's not…