Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NY Attorney General Takes Action Against Fake Online Reviews

This morning, New York Attorney General Schneiderman announced that his office had concluded a year-long undercover investigation into the reputation management industry and the practice of posting fake reviews online.…

Ninth Circuit Holds That Class Member Declarations Do Not Support Finding of Commonality in Class Action

On September 3, 2013 in Thomasson v. GC Services, LP, -- Fed. Appx. --, No. 11-56100, 2013 WL 4713560 (9th Cir. Sept. 3, 2013), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded with instructions…

A Higher Bar to Class Certification in the Third Circuit?

The Third Circuit recently ruled to reverse the certification of a class of consumers who alleged that Bayer falsely advertised the metabolism-boosting benefits of its WeightSmart dietary supplement. The court held…

Breaking Bad Class Action: Is Apple Really Breaking Promises?

The onslaught of consumer class actions against advertisers continues with Apple’s marketing of certain “Season Passes” on iTunes being challenged. Noam Lazebnik, an Ohio physician, filed a complaint on behalf of…

FTC Settles Action Against Seller of Internet Cameras for Failure to Protect Consumers' Privacy

The FTC announced today that it has reached a settlement with TRENDnet regarding allegations that it failed to protect consumers’ privacy and thus caused consumers to unknowingly broadcast private video feeds on the…