Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Kelley Drye Offers Webinar on "Hot Topics in Social Media" July 9 at 2 PM

Social media is a powerful marketing tool. It’s personal, dynamic, and reaches an unlimited number of consumers. But, the value of social media can be tempered by the legal risks. Both the Federal Trade Commission and…

Can You Afford To Send That Text? Connecticut’s Mini-TCPA Imposes Substantial Fines on Telemarketers

Several weeks ago, Connecticut enacted legislation making it illegal for telemarketers to send unwanted text messages to consumers, modernizing the State law and bringing it into accord with the federal Telephone…

Florida Overhauls Data Breach Notification Law

Last Friday, Florida enacted a new Information Security Act that repeals the state’s existing data breach notification law and increases companies’ reporting obligations and liability in the event of a data security…

NAD Says Online Reviews Don’t Support “Most Recommended” Claim

Last week, in a case of first impression, the NAD determined that reviews collected from retailer websites were insufficiently representative or reliable to support a broad “America’s Most Recommended” claim. The claim…

NY Attorney General Secures Settlement Over Misleading Sales

Over the past year, there has been a​n​ increase in the number of lawsuits and regulatory investigations ​involving how retailers advertise discounts and sales. In these cases, challengers have generally alleged that…