Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC COPPA Settlement Shows Ongoing Rift Over Privacy Harm

The FTC’s most recent COPPA enforcement action, announced on June 4 with app developer HyperBeard, provides evidence of an ongoing debate within the Commission about privacy harm and the role of monetary relief in the…

EPA Cautions Consumers About Ozone Generators, UV Lights, and Other Pesticide Devices Making Coronavirus Claims

Amid the flurry of products making coronavirus -related claims, some without legal approval or scientific support, one class of products raises unique questions: so-called “pesticide devices,” like ozone generators…

EPA Issues Consumer Advisory on Products Claiming to Kill Coronavirus

EPA issued another in a series of recent advisories aiming to clarify for consumers and companies what they need to know about disinfectant products claiming to kill the coronavirus . EPA is actively investigating the…

CCPA Update: Final Regulations Submitted but No Changes from Prior Draft

On June 2, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced that he had submitted final CCPA regulations to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for review. The final regulations are substantively identical to…

Executive Order Strikes at Section 230, But Legal Impact Likely to be Limited

In previous posts, we've written about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Like it or hate it, Section 230 has become integral to the internet, and it’s no exaggeration to say that social media probably…