Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

The Ad Law Access Podcast Now Available in Apple Podcasts

Kelley Drye

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP announced the launch of the Ad Law Access podcast – a new podcast from its advertising law and privacy law groups. Hosted by Kelley Drye attorneys, including Christie Grymes Thompson, Alysa…

NAD Opines on “Favorite” Claims

The line between what’s an objective claim (which does require proof) and puffery (which does not require proof) isn’t always clear, and reasonable minds can differ as to on which side of the line a claim belongs. When…

NAD Examines When Companies may be Liable for Consumer Reviews

We frequently get questions about whether companies can be held liable for claims that appear in consumer reviews. Although it’s clear that there are instances in which a company can be held liable if it has a…

NAD Referrals To FTC: How Big Is That Stick?

The Federal Trade Commission has long supported advertising industry self-regulation as a means of promoting truthfulness and accuracy in advertising. One of the key aspects of this success has been threat of referral…

Consumer Perception Surveys in NAD Cases

Last Friday, our friend August Horvath of Foley Hoag presented at an Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC) conference on consumer perception surveys. Among the many interesting observations made by August were the…