Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NAD Decision Suggests Expansive Definition of Advertising

As part of its routine monitoring program, NAD asked ACT to provide substantiation for statements the company made online about its standardized college entrance test. NAD was concerned about whether ACT sufficiently…

Food Litigation and Regulatory Highlights – February 2021

Welcome to our monthly digest of litigation and regulatory highlights impacting the food and beverage industry. February saw another win for industry on the vanilla front, a preemption win in California state court,…

NAD Finds That Humor Doesn’t Always Indicate Puffery

The American Association of Orthodontists ran a series of social media ads for Happy Mouth Now, a fictional teledentistry company, which showed consumers struggling with the company’s products. The ads are funny,…

Dietary Supplement and Personal Care Products Regulatory Highlights – February 2021

Kelley Drye

Welcome to our monthly roundup of regulatory and litigation highlights impacting the dietary supplement and personal care products industries. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. February was a short month, with a lot…

NAD Releases Tips for Influencer Marketing

This week, NAD released five tips on influencer marketing . Here are the tips, followed by some of our own observations. 1. When working with influencers or incentivizing consumers to review your product, you may be…