Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Holds Privacy Seminar on Health Data, Emphasizes Transparency

Kelley Drye

Last week, the FTC held its third and final spring privacy seminar on the implications of consumer generated and controlled health data. The seminar featured presentations by Latanya Sweeney, the FTC’s Chief…

Buffalo Bills to Pay $3 Million to Settle Text Message Suit

When companies advertise text message programs, the Mobile Marketing Association requires them to disclose, among other things, the number of messages subscribers may receive. Although that may seem like a…

Mobile Enforcement Continues to be APPealing to the FTC

On March 28, 2014, the FTC announced two new mobile app settlements – with Fandango and Credit Karma – based on allegations that the companies failed to secure the transmission of consumers’ sensitive personal…

Lawsuit Filed Against Google Over Kids’ In-App Purchases

A class action lawsuit was filed last week in California against Google Inc., alleging that many apps in Google’s app marketplace permit children to make virtual purchases within the game without a parents’ knowledge…

FTC Holds Seminar on Mobile Device Tracking

On February 19, 2014, the FTC hosted a public seminar on mobile device tracking, the first event in the FTC’s Spring Privacy Series on emerging consumer privacy issues. The seminar included a tutorial on how retail…