Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Senate Commerce Committee Members Air Laundry List of Pressing Issues Including Privacy, Data Security, and FTC Enforcement

On September 27 th, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a general oversight hearing of the FTC, which covered a multitude of major policy issues and included testimony from Chairwoman…

Kelley Drye's Full Spectrum Podcast

Five months ago, Kelley Drye’s Communications practice group launched the Full Spectrum podcast . Since then, they have recorded and posted ten episodes, featuring several different attorneys speaking on the most…

Clarity Coming Soon About What New Jersey’s Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (“TCCWNA”) Actually Requires

Remember that wave of class actions under New Jersey’s Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (“TCCWNA”), N.J.S.A. § 56:12-14 et seq., that hit New Jersey courts earlier this year, claiming that website…

A Pound of Flesh Just Got Heavier

Kelley Drye

The Federal Trade Commission announced yesterday that it has approved final amendments to Commission Rule 1.98 that adjust the maximum civil penalty dollar amounts for violations of 16 provisions of law the FTC…

Annual Advertising & Privacy Law Summit Attracts Industry Leaders to the Reopened Watergate Hotel

On June 8th attorneys from Kelley Drye’s advertising law practice hosted government officials and industry leaders at an advanced seminar on key issues in advertising, privacy, and consumer protection law. This year…