Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

2019 Selected Top Ad Law Access Reads and Listens

In 2019, Ad Law Access published 124 stories on a wide range of topics. However, two topics stood out above the others: California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) CCPA was far and away the most popular topic of 2019…

Ad Law Access Podcast: FTC Releases New Guide to Help Influencers

On a new episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast, Gonzalo Mon provides an update for individual influencers on the FTC's new guide and video designed to help influencers understand their responsibilities regarding when…

FTC Releases New Guide for Influencers

Yesterday, the FTC released a new guide and video designed to help influencers understand when and how they should disclose the relationships they have to the brands they endorse. The guidance doesn’t break new ground,…

FTC Announces Settlement Over Fake Followers

In the world of social media, a person’s power is often measured in terms of followers. Because more followers generally means more reach, companies who engage influencers often base their compensation on this metric.…

When Influencers Fail to Influence

Last year, we posted that Snapchat’s public relations firm had filed a lawsuit against an influencer who allegedly failed to comply with the terms of his agreement. According to the agreement, Luka Sabbat was required…