Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

What the FTC’s Proposed Changes to its Endorsement Guides Suggest about Influencer Marketing

Last month, my colleagues posted about the FTC’s proposed changes to the Endorsement Guides. This post takes a closer look at how those proposed changes could impact influencer campaigns by answering five questions…

FTC Proposes Changes to Endorsement Guides with Expanded Liability and More Onerous Disclosure Requirements

In addition to announcing a new COPPA policy statement and related “crackdown” on children’s privacy issues (discussed here ) in its most recent open meeting, the FTC also proposed changes to the FTC’s Endorsement…

Texas AG Sues Google over Misleading Endorsements

When a company uses an influencer or other person to endorse the company’s products, it’s important that endorsement reflects the endorser’s honest opinions, beliefs, or experiences with the products. Of course, in…

Where to Find More Info on the FTC’s Top Rules for 2022

Last week, Jessica Rich wrote about the FTC’s rulemaking plans for 2022 . Make sure you read that post for a detailed analysis of what the Commission is planning. As we looked at which of those topics have…

FTC Blankets Companies With Warning Letters Over Endorsements and Reviews

As we have noted in earlier posts, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s holding that Section 13(b) of the FTC Act does not allow for monetary restitution, the Federal Trade Commission has been attempting to creatively…