Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Photoshop Can’t Hide Rimmel’s Influencer Woes

The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland – similar to the NAD in the US – recently issued a decision regarding a social media influencer that companies on this side of the Atlantic should note. The case involves…

Battling Bots on Social Media

In the world of social media, a person’s power is often measured in terms of followers. More followers means the ability to influence more people. Companies who work with influencers understand this and often base…

2017 Recap

Most Popular Ad Law Access Posts of 2017 As reported in our Ad Law News and Views newsletter, Kelley Drye’s Advertising Law practice posted 106 updates on consumer protection trends, issues, and developments to…

Investing Under the Influence? SEC Issues Warning Letters to Celebrities and Social Influencers

Kelley Drye

Earlier this month, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a warning to celebrities and social influencers who use social media to encourage consumers to invest and/or purchase stocks. Recent celebrity…

Instagram Expands its Influencer Tool, but is it Enough?

In June, we posted that Instagram users would start seeing a new “Paid partnership with” tag on certain posts. The company explained that this was part of a tool designed to “help creators more clearly communicate to…