Handy Health Tracking Mobile App...Or Regulated Medical Device?

Kelley Drye

The use of mobile apps for health purposes has created new questions for users, developers, and regulators regarding the balance between convenience, expanded health care, and public safety. The line between apps that are useful tools for accessing health information and those that are considered medical devices can be unclear but is very important for developers and marketers of these products.

A Thompson Interactive webinar, There’s an App for That: Regulating Mobile Medical Devices” will address these issues. Discussed will be the regulatory status surrounding health-related and medical device mobile applications, or MMAs. The presentation will cover topics including FTC’s enforcement and recent statements regarding health-related mobile applications, design considerations key to application development, such as privacy, and FDA’s position regarding MMAs as explained in the draft guidance, the recent Congressional hearings on the issue. Participants will also have the chance to ask questions during the live Q&A portion of the webinar.

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