Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Senate Overwhelmingly Confirms Terrell McSweeny to FTC

On Wednesday, the Senate, in a 95-1 vote (with Senator David Vitter (R-LA) abstaining), confirmed Terrell McSweeny as FTC Commissioner. Commissioner McSweeny testified before the Senate Commerce Committee in September…

FTC Charges with “Jerk-Like” Practices

Yesterday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it is charging the operators of the so-called social-networking personal reputation site “” for engaging in deceptive representations in violation of…

Mobile Enforcement Continues to be APPealing to the FTC

On March 28, 2014, the FTC announced two new mobile app settlements – with Fandango and Credit Karma – based on allegations that the companies failed to secure the transmission of consumers’ sensitive personal…

FTC Highlights Alternative Scoring Products in Privacy Seminar

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) hosted a panel discussion on Alternative Scoring Products examining the scope and effects of predictive scores. The discussion highlighted growing concerns over the use…

FTC Announces Changes to Textile Labeling Rules

Kelley Drye

The FTC recently announced updates to the Textile Labeling Rules, several of which are designed to harmonize the textile labeling requirements with related provisions, including U.S. Customs standards for country of…