Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

The FTC Has Announced a Weight Loss Settlement … But Wait, Keep Reading

That the FTC has announced another weight loss settlement is no news at all. The FTC averages about six new weight loss orders per year. The new settlement, nevertheless, is notable as a reminder of the following…

FTC Releases a Second Order Requiring Preservation of Records from Clinical Trials

The FTC recently announced a settlement with the makers of Nopalea, a fruit drink derived from Nopal or “prickly-pear” cactus. The FTC alleges that the company and two individuals disseminated unsubstantiated claims…

Third Plastic Lumber Company Hammered by FTC Over “Green” Claims

Last week, the FTC announced it had reached another settlement with a plastic lumber company regarding its green marketing claims. This is the FTC’s third settlement in five months relating to environmental claims…

FTC Updates COPPA FAQs on Parental Consent Mechanisms

This week, the Federal Trade Commission announced the latest revisions to its Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) document to assist online operators as they work to comply with changes to the Children’s Online…

FTC Files Suit Against Amazon Over Kids’ In-App Purchases

On July 10, 2014, the FTC filed a complaint in federal court alleging that Amazon unlawfully billed parents and other Amazon account holders for unauthorized in-app charges incurred by kids. The complaint follows a…